Renters Insurance
A renters policy is designed to protect what your landlord's policy doesn't-your personal belongings and liability.
Standard Coverage Typically Includes
⦁ Personal Property
Covers your belongings and contents, such as clothing, furniture, electronics, etc.
⦁ Loss of Use
Provides for temporary housing and living expenses if your home or apartment becomes inhabitable after being damaged, such as from a fire or storm.
⦁ Medical Expense
Provides coverage for medical expenses for guests who are accidentally injured at your home or apartment.
⦁ Family/Personal Liability
Covers the injuries or property damage of others if you are at fault. An umbrella policy may be needed for extra coverage.
⦁ Scheduled Personal Property
Provides full coverage for expensive valuables or collectibles like jewelry, guns, art, and antiques.
A deductible is the amount you are committing to pay in the event of a covered claim, while the insurance company covers the rest in accordance with the terms of the policy. Generally, the higher the deductible, the lower the policy premium will be.
Ways To Save
At MAA, you can earn significant savings by bundling multiple policies with the same company (for example, renters and auto insurance).
And, the carriers we work with often try to make insurance more affordable by offering discounts to clients who have preventative safety measures in place, such as monitored security systems and smoke detectors.
Contact Us To Learn More
MAA's desire is for you to be well insured. Our agents are here to assist with the knowledge and answers you need to choose coverage with confidence.
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Did you know insuring with us means you are sharing in mutuality and caring for those facing crisis? Learn more about how we make the world a better place together by viewing our Map to Mutuality.