Heavenly Peace
Heavenly Peace
"Silent Night, Holy Night, All is Calm, All is Bright."
The hustle and bustle of December can sometimes feel anything but silent and calm.
We rush through the weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas, buying gifts for loved ones, stringing lights, and hanging garland between baking sugar cookies and last-minute trips to the corner shop.
The merriment can feel joyful or hectic.
With so much to do, Christmas can seem far removed from that quiet night in Bethlehem when Christ was born. We can make space this December to bask in the peace of the season and welcome the Christ child into all we do this season.
Practice Advent
Advent is the anticipation and preparation of Christ’s arrival on Earth, born of a virgin, to redeem his people.
Carve out some time to read Advent devotionals. Our friends at Brethren Press publish an Advent devotional every year, with small, daily readings to read in solitude or share with the family. Better yet: create your own countdown, reading a gospel or memorizing a psalm.
Share Joy
Christmas is a time of joy and celebration. It is sometimes easy to lose the focus, but kindness and patience can help bring everything back into focus.
Some ideas: Share cookies with a neighbor, carol at a local hospital, put money in that Salvation Army bell ringer bucket, give cards to stranger, or volunteer at a food pantry. Giving back to others while reflecting on God’s gift to us is sure to put your mind and heart at peace.
Live Simply
Not everything needs to be perfect, nor should it be perfect. Choose simplicity and enjoy all the moments!
Say no to that holiday party you simply cannot manage, no to lavish meals, no to doing things out of obligation or guilt. Instead, delight in saying “yes” to joy, peace, and the delicious expectation of Christ’s arrival.
“Heavenly hosts sing Alleluia; Christ the Savior is born!”
Merry Christmas from Mutual Aid Agency!
Mutual Aid Agency | 800-255-1243 | maa@maabrethren.com