Author: Darren Hendricks

Does Insurance Go Up Every Year at Renewal? Here’s What You Need to Know

If you’ve ever opened your insurance renewal notice and wondered why your premium changed, you’re not alone. It’s a common question: “Does insurance go up every year at renewal?” The answer isn’t always straightforward. While some rate changes stem from personal factors like claims or coverage adjustments, others are driven by broader trends like inflation, increased risks, or even changes in the insurance industry.

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Preparing for Freezing Weather: Protecting What Matters Most with Mutual Aid Agency

Winter is on the horizon, and with it comes freezing weather that can pose challenges to your property, livelihood, and peace of mind. While we love this time of year, we know that winter can bring its share of surprises. At Mutual Aid Agency, we’ve been helping churches, homes, renters, farms, and drivers stay protected for over 140 years. More than just an insurance provider—we’re a partner in your safety, your community, and your mission.

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It Takes a Village: Celebrating Pastor Appreciation Month

Pastor Appreciation Month is an opportunity to honor the men and women who serve as spiritual leaders, guiding their congregations through the highs and lows of life. But as we at the Mutual Aid Agency sat down to chat with Pastor Marty Doss, it became clear that for many pastors, this month isn’t about personal recognition—it’s about celebrating the community as a whole.

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The Heart of Mutual Aid

Highland Avenue Church of the Brethren in Elgin, Illinois, has served its community with compassion for 125 years. Their dedication to living out Christ’s call to care for others shines through all their ministries. We recently spoke with their pastor, Katie Shaw Thompson, about how partnering with the Brethren Mutual Aid Share Fund has amplified their ability to help those in need.

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